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The Language Centre


Pressland Fund Bursary Scheme

Pressland Fund


  • Please note that, in the event of travel to undertake the course not being possible, successful applications for a bursary to undertake a project in the summer, cannot be carried over to the next summer.

Pressland Fund Bursary Applications

Are you a student of sciences (including maths, engineering and medicine)?

Are you intending to continue in the University next year?

Are you already learning a language and would you like to build on that learning by taking a short course abroad?

If so, the AJ Pressland bursary could help you achieve this.

The application period is from early December to early February annually.

Please go to the Guidance tab for further information on eligibility and choosing a short language course abroad.

Administered by the Language Centre, the AJ Pressland Fund offers bursaries of up to £1,000 to support language study abroad for students within the Schools of the Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, the Physical Sciences and Technology. 

If you are not sure if you belong to one of the eligible schools (Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, the Physical Sciences and Technology), please refer to the Department A-Z. 

The number of bursaries is not predetermined.

Applications should be submitted via the online system.

Applications open at 00:01 on Monday 2nd December 2024 and must be submitted before 17:00 on Monday 3rd February 2025.

Bursaries will be paid to successful applicants in two instalments: one on acceptance of the award, the other on submission of a project report. Only project reports received by 31 October of the year in which the bursary is awarded will be considered by the Bursary Committee for an additional special award of £150.

Further information is available from the Pressland Fund Administrator.

For additional advice on finding suitable language courses overseas, you may wish to make an appointment for one of the Language Centre Advising Sessions or our workshop: 'Choosing a short language course abroad'.

Applications Guidance

The following document can be downloaded here:

Reports Guidelines

The following document can be downloaded here:

Reports Forms

The following form can be downloaded here:

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Choosing a Short Language Course Abroad

A 30 minute appointment with a Language Adviser VIA MS TEAMS VIDEO CHAT to explore intensive language courses abroad for your specific requirements.