
An Indo-European language and a member of the West Germanic branch, spoken by c. 6 million people in the Republic of South Africa, where it is an official language, as well as in Namibia, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe and a number of immigrants in a few other countries (e.g. Australia, Canada).

Afrikaans is the youngest of the Germanic languages, being a derivative of Dutch, the language brought by settlers in the 17th century. Now it shows many differences from European Dutch, especially as a result of its contact with local African languages. It has been a literary language for a little over a century. Afrikaans is spelt in the Roman alphabet, consisting of 26 characters.

The main characteristic of Afrikaans in comparison with the principal West Germanic languages is a radical simplification of forms.

CLASSIFICATION = Indo-European family, SCRIPT = Roman

Complete Afrikaans AFR CBEG 1(PACK)
Colloquial Afrikaans : the complete course for beginners AFR CBEG 2(PACK)
Afrikaans : Talk now! AFR CBEG 3(CD-ROM)
The English Afikaans Xhosa Zulu aid : Words lists & phrases in four languages AFR DICO 2
Tweetalige skoolwoordeboek : Afrikaans-Engels, Engels-Afrikaans AFR DICO 1
Beauty AFR FILM 2(DVD)*
Kanarie AFR FILM 3(DVD)*
Paljas AFR FILM 1(DVD)*